Yesterday evening I went out -which doesn't happen often since I'm a sewing-addict and I spend my free time well, sewing- and I didn't have anything to wear! Of course! As a consequence I made this quick mini skirt to wear with a simple tee and black heels.
It's the same pattern as the hot pink skirt but I shortened it, narrowed the width at the hem and made a larger waistband. I also put a small placket in the middle of the waistband so that I can put a rectangle of fabric in it to have a bow.
I also made the pendant, I'm in love with these settings (which you can find on etsy) that are big enough to allow to store a lot of elements.
In a different style, I made a zipper pouch to carry my crochet stuff while I'm away on vacation.
It's not very original but the fabric is too cute! Alice in Wonderland galore^^
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