Hello! Today I wore one of my favourite tops:
I also have a new Buttercup bag:
The bag allowed me to continue my stash busting mission since the striped fabric comes from a refashioned skirt dating back to 2005! The button and lining are made from a remnant of fabric I used to make my mum a dress.
Then, the very talented Rebecca from MayMade gave me a Stylish Blogger Award and that made me very happy :) But now I have to give you 7 facts about me, what can I say?! Let's see:
1. I have 7 tattoos, my first one I got when I was 15, I remember that our teachers were on strike back then :)
2. I stopped eating meat except chicken when I was a teenager and quit chicken for good last year.
3. Talking about food I put Chinese hot sauce sauce on every meal and I adore Kimchi!
4. Even though you can't tell when you see me, half my family actually comes from Madagascar.
5. I love reading scary/ghost stories.
6. When it comes to making a garment my favourite step is ironing the fabric before starting -ah, the smell of clean hot cotton!- and I hate making facings^^ -go figure!
7. I have a fondness for shabby, decaying houses and buildings and love to spot them in all the countries I visit.
Phew, I'm surprised I found that much to say^^! For the 7 bloggers I'd like to give the award to:
Lazy Stitching
Oh Lulu
So, Zo
Not enough time for everything
Camelias and Crinolines
One Good Apple
Alright, have a nice weekend and see you folks!
That top is just a perfect colour, especially while I'm sat here longing for spring to hurry up! And thanks so much for the award! x
RépondreSupprimerCute top, love the colour and style....and your purse.. super cute......
RépondreSupprimerThank you ladies!
RépondreSupprimerThanks a squillion for the award! You are totally sweet. Lovely to hear more about you too. I will blog the answers and my dominees later in the week once i've caught up with my MMMar '11 posting. Thanks again, you are amazing!
You're welcome Zoe, I look forward to reading your 7 facts^^
RépondreSupprimerHi, Cecili!
RépondreSupprimerthanks for the award, I think I received the award or is it to Satomi? I was a bit confused by the comment you left on my post. if you meant to give it to her, here is her blog: http://chelsea2.jugem.jp/
anyhow, it was nice reading about you :)!