It all started when I saw her Poetry and Clothing challenge in 2011, I too wanted to have some super cool and gorgeous garments made by her -yes I'm opportunistic like that!- so I asked her if she'd like to work on an exchange project with me. You'd think that just because she works in Traderemade, organises almost single-handedly Brighton Craftaganza, has launched the Me-Made challenges, analyses and writes about the sewing industry, consumption and women-related problems and sews amazing things in what is left of her free time she wouldn't be available... Well, she graciously said yes! But having sewn for her friend she advised me against making stuff for each other because of the unavoidable fitting issues so we settled on exchanging notions packages every two month to make our own garment/accessory. We'll also try and use stuff from our stash as mush as possible.
For our first swap we didn't choose a specific topic so here are the very random things I sent her -photo courtesy of Zoe since I forgot to take one:

The pattern is a 60's blouse, loose fitting with kimono sleeves and a peter pan collar or fitted and sleeveless. As they say on the enveloppe you can add a simple dirndl skirt to have a fabulous ensemble! The belt buckle is real vintage, dating back from the 60's too, the sequined anchor appliqué had been in my stash since 2000 and the only thing I bought for this occasion is the beige trim.
And now this is the excellent package I received from her:
I have already gotten started on a muslin for the pattern I chose and it's looking great so far, I may have managed to snatch myself a little Zoe modjo^^ We should post about our respective projects in February and then we'll have our next swap in March. I'm so excited about this collaboration, I can't even wait for the next round!
Oh wow, what a cool idea! Can't wait to see how you both get on with this!
RépondreSupprimerWhat fun- I absolutely can't wait to see what you each do!!
RépondreSupprimerFun fun fun xx
RépondreSupprimerAww, you are TOO sweet! I'm so excited about this too! I love this round but I am simultaneously thinking about the next round too....
RépondreSupprimerLove and hugs
Zoe xxx
This is an amazing idea! I can't wait to see your first project; that fabric and the patterns are sooo pretty!