So I finally made a qipao for me. I sewed one for my mum, one for a friend and I had also made a few Chinese tops. As I have a little problem with the side closure (there are always gaps between the snaps) I decided to attach a back zipper instead. The only change it brought was that I had to separate the collar in two at the back, but I followed the book's steps to finish the dress.

The fabric is a beautiful^^ floral cotton on a black background. There are 3 vintage green buttons on the front and one at the back on the collar.

I apologize for the horrible pictures but I am definitely no master at taking photographs! About the size I chose 9 (with .10 margins) but I had to narrow the back and front darts because it didn't fit properly. As usual I took a bigger size -11- for the armholes and sleeves.
Ma robe chinoise a subi une petite modification: comme je n'aime pas que la partie avant s'ouvre dès que je bouge un peu j'ai mis une fermeture à glissière dans le dos. A cause de cela j'ai fait le col en deux parties à l'arrière. C'est une taille 9 avec marges de 1 cm mais j'ai dû resserrer les pinces devant et dos et j'ai fait les emmanchures et manches en taille 11.