Hello friends, how are you? I'm sorry I haven't posted much lately, I have been sewing but following a number of little delays and unexpected happenings I could never take pictures. Anyway, for today I have two projects to show you: let's start with this nice little number from the spring 2010 Pochée vol. 9.

In theory it's made of cotton but the fabric really feels and weighs like linen. I guess you can call the colour "tan", it's quite subdued but I like it! I changed two details regarding the original pattern, the back is in one piece when it should have a yoke and gathers and the sleeves should have balloon ends but I didn't have enough fabric for that. I had a brush with disaster when the red transferring paper I used left marks that wouldn't leave on the OUTSIDE of the tunic, fortunately I found a good stain remover and managed to get rid of them (it's a French product called "Le Diable Détacheur").
Now for the not so great other project, when I ordered this vintage pattern I was in the mood for a groovy 70's mini dress:

Well, it turned out rather different from the illustration, I thought the waist was high, it wasn't, the skirt wasn't mini at all, even after I shortened it and worst of all when I finished it it had the dreaded "Goldorak" look, ie the back neckline reached the middle of my neck and the shoulders were at least 1.5" too high. Look:

And here I had already lowered the shoulders by 3/4"! I felt horrible, my back, shoulders and arms are naturally huge so I do not need extra volume over these zones. I ripped off the dress, lowered the shoulders more, lowered the back neckline and bound everything with bias -strangely facings are among what I like least when sewing.

The fabric is chambray, it's cute and nice to wear but I find the dress a bit bland, I'm not sure how to accessorize it. If you have suggestions, please tell me, I've spent quite some time on this garment and I'd love to be able to wear it :(
That's it for now, see you!