I also took pictures of the New Look dress I mentioned yesterday: it's design 6723 and I used an incredible cotton fabric which I found in a local shop. It often happens with this shop, you pay 7$ for plain, boring cotton and you find treasures for 2$ in their clearance bin! I repeat that if you make this dress be careful with how low the neckline goes before cutting it, I could adjust it a little by making the shoulder seams higher but still it's quite the plunging view, I have to pin the sides to my bra straps so that it won't show everything :( I lengthened the bodice with a set-in fabric belt and the hem is handsewn. I'm off to check the MMM gallery, haven't seen all the treasures there for a while and I need my fix^^ See you!

Your New Look dress is so pretty! That fabric was really from a clearance bin? It looks great!
RépondreSupprimerthese skirt is very pretty and very feminine, i like it so much :o)
RépondreSupprimerThe dress is gorgeous. I love the fabric.
RépondreSupprimerI love that dress! The fabric is awesome. What a bargain!
RépondreSupprimerThe dress looks great on you, lovely!
RépondreSupprimerSuch a beautiful dress you are perfectly fitting in! I love those color! I am not a purple person, but this dress is different!
RépondreSupprimerThe neckline seems difficult to deal with, yet it's amazing!
Thank you!
RépondreSupprimerThis dress is very cute. And, you don't have to pin the bra to the dress, just sew on some "bra strap stays". http://cyberseams.com/article/105719/clothes/how_to_keep_bra_straps_and_tank_top_straps_in_place_for_good.html
RépondreSupprimerWhen I make these, I use a piece of seam binding (aka hem tape) folded in half lengthwise for thicker fabrics and make thread chains for stays on silk fabrics.